Alias Reference

Updated: August 21, 2024
New: links to open Alias and RVM references sites.


.aliasOpens ZHU Alias Reference website.
.rvmOpens ZHU Radar Vector Map website.
Issues the CRC built-in last transmission command.

Syntax: Type callsign and press aircraft select (default in CRC is Numpad Add). Type the alias command (not case-sensitive) and press Enter. All pilot help commands send a private message to the pilot.

.callsignCallsign: incorrect or inappropriate"Hello! We noticed your aircraft callsign is inconsistent with VATSIM policy. Please visit the Pilot Learning Center for callsign guidelines the next time you login. Thanks!"
.iafdofCruise Altitude: wrong for direction"Hello! Your filed or current cruising altitude is not correct for your direction of flight. Aircraft flying at cruise between 000-179 degrees should be at ODD cruise altitudes. Aircraft flying at cruise between 180-359 degrees should be at EVEN cruise altitudes. This provides a nationwide system to separate aircraft vertically. Thanks!"
.nordoNORDO"Hello, you have not contacted the appropriate air traffic control facility yet. VATSIM Pilot Code of Conduct rule B3(a) says pilots are responsible for contacting appropriate air traffic controllers that are online. Pilots should regularly check your pilot client controller list to see when controllers sign on or off. If you are unsure of when you should contact a controller, please check out this guide on the VATSIM Pilot Learning Center:"
.newpilotUnfamiliar with VATSIM guidelines/ops"Hello! It seems like you might be having difficulty on the VATSIM network. There are many resources available to help pilots on the VATSIM Pilot Learning Center We recommend you review those resources before your next flight to further enhance your experience on the network."
.newaircraftUnfamiliar with aircraft systems/ops"Hello, it looks like you might be having some difficulty operating your aircraft on the network. While we understand some aircraft may be more complex than others, pilots are expected under VATSIM Code of Conduct to B8(c) to promptly comply with basic air traffic control instructions that are applicable to their flight rules. So that everyone (including yourself!) can have a good experience online, consider taking time to get familiar with your aircraft offline and review any needed aircraft documentation or training materials before your next flight. Thanks!"
.airspaceBusting airspace"Hello, you appear to be inside controlled airspace and have not contacted ATC for clearance into that airspace. Please reference your simulator maps, GPS map airspace overlays, and VFR sectional charts to know where airspaces lie, their various altitudes, and their classification. Entering controlled airspace without contacting ATC is considered a violation of Pilot Code of Conduct rule B8(b). Thank you!"
.dephdgDeparture: wrong direction of turn"Hello, it looks like you make the wrong direction of turn on departure. Houston is among a list of airports in the United States that often involve a turn of +180 degrees to a heading on departure. Aircraft FMS and autopilot heading select systems are factory-programmed to command a turn in the shortest direction (left vs. right) to the selected heading when engaged. Next time, try setting your aircraft’s automation to an intermediate heading in the direction you are instructed to turn (left or right 90 degrees, for example). Then when airborne, engage automation and when turning in the correct direction, continue adjusting towards the final heading. Thanks!"
.lateturnDeparture: late turn"Hello! Please keep in mind that when assigned a heading on departure, the turn should be started *AT* the altitude listed on your SID or Obstacle Departure Procedure (if one is available for your airport) OR 400' above airport level (use of the Radar Altimeter readout is acceptable to determine this). When assigned a heading to fly after departure, please start your turn at the appropriate time to avoid traffic conflicts. Thanks!"
.routewrongFlight Plan: inconsistences or unneeded info"Hello, I see you have included some items in your flight plan's route that may not be correct or are not needed. Pilots do not need to include the departure airport, arrival airport, or planned departure or arrival runways in the route section. Runways are assigned by ATC (if online) and the departure and arrival airports are already in your flight plan. We have corrected your routing so there is no need to refile this flight plan. Thanks, and enjoy your flight!"
.flightlevelAltitudes: FL vs altitude"Hello! For reference, altitudes are said as "Flight Level (FL)" when above transition altitude - 18,000ft in the U.S. Altitudes below the transition level are referenced in thousands of feet. For example: 6700' is "Six-Thousand Seven-Hundred" and 17,900' is "One Seven-Thousand Nine-Hundred". Thanks, and have a good flight!"
.pushpdPush: ATIS says PD"Hi! Your PDC and/or the airport ATIS includes a note that gate push and engine start at this airport are at pilot's direction. Unless otherwise informed by PDC or ATIS, there is no need to contact ATC for permission to push and start in the non-movement area. You should contact ATC when ready to taxi to the assigned runway. It's also helpful to state the ATIS information code upon initial contact. Thanks for flying with us!"
.pushcallPush: ATIS says call controller"Hi! It looks like you have pushed onto an ATC-controlled area (movement area) without instruction. Some airports in ZHU have gate areas adjacent to taxiways, actively controlled ramps/alleys, or other controlled areas of pavement. Please make sure you check Airport Diagrams, ATIS information, or your PDC and contact the appropriate controller before pushing back into these areas next time. We appreciate your help!"
.autotrack ICAO
.autotrack -ICAO
.autotrack KIAH
.autotrack -KIAH
Add a single airport to the autotrack list.
Removes a single airport from the autotrack list.
Adds autotrack of all ZHU controlled airports.
Adds autotrack of 24/7 towered airports. Used for late night (0300Z+) center operations.
Adds autotrack of specified TRACON airports.
Use notrack after TRACON to remove those airports from the autotrack list: .I90notrack

ZHU Routing & LOAs

Results are printed in the CRC chat window.
Note: Leading K required. Only airport pairs with specific ZHU preferred routes are included.



Some results are printed in the CRC chat window while others may open ZHU website resources.


.NEWSLFKSFrom NEW Specialty to LFK Specialty
.AUSSZFWFrom AUS Specialty to ZFW


.LFKSI90TLFK Specialty to I90 TRACON
.CRPSI90CCRP Specialty to I90 College Station area*

LOA Recall Parameters

SpecialtyCodeARTCCCode*I90 Type*Code
AustinAUSSFort WorthZFWQuick Reference CardsI90T
CorpusCRPSAtlantaZTLI90 College Station area arrivalsI90C
Lake CharlesLCHSJacksonvilleZJXI90 Industry area arrivalsI90I
LufkinLFKSMonterreyMTYI90 Beaumont area arrivalsI90B
New OrleansNEWSMeridaMIDI90 OverflightsI90O

Some results are printed in the CRC chat window while others may open ZHU website resources.

Note: Leading K not used.


.IAHINFOVATSIM ZHU specific KIAH information
.NEWINFOVATSIM ZHU specific KNEW information

Controller Resources

All chart recall commands open the selected FAA chart in your computer's default browser.

Single digit runways include a leading 0 UNLESS an approach variation AND/OR sidedness designator is used.
If a double-digit runway includes approach variation AND/OR sidedness, the leading digit is omitted.
Do not forget the C following all chart recall aliases.


Approach TypeCodeApproach TypeCode
.IAHI8LCHouston Intercon ILS 8L
.IAHI09CHouston Intercon ILS 9
.IAHI27CHouston Intercon ILS 27
.IAHRZ7CHouston Intercon RNAV-Z 27
.GPTOY4CGulfport VOR-Y 14
.GPTTZ4CGulfport TACAN Z 14
.CRPRZ1CCorpus Christi RNAV-Z 31
.DLFF1CCLaughlin VOR/DME 31C

All chart recall commands open the selected FAA chart in your computer's default browser.

Note: do not use revision numbers. Digits in alias are only for procedure page numbers (if applicable).
Do not forget the C following all chart recall aliases.


.SATBOWIE2CSan Antonio BOWIE SID page 2

All chart recall commands open the selected FAA chart in your computer's default browser.

Do not forget the C following all chart recall aliases.


Chart TypeCode
Airport DiagramAPD
Takeoff MinimumsTM
Hot SpotsHS
Radar MinimumsRM
.AUSAPDCAustin Airport Diagram
.IAHLAHSOCHouston Intercon LAHSO

Results are printed in the CRC chat window.

.NAV + three letter identifier --or--
.NAV + full Navaid name without spaces.


Route points are highlighted on the scope. ERAM only.



Results are printed in the CRC chat window.

.APT + 3 or 4 letter identifier.


Results are printed in the CRC chat window.

.id + 3 letter company callsign.


Text-Based Controlling

Syntax: Type callsign and press aircraft select (default in CRC is Numpad Add). Type alias command with any needed variables and press Enter. Alias commands are not case-sensitive.

.clr $1.clr 6"Clearance on request number 6.”
.clravail"Clearance available, advise when ready to copy.”
.amend"I have an amendment to your flight plan, advise ready to copy.”
.fullam"I have a full re-route clearance for your flight plan, advise ready to copy.”
.farouteOpens Flight Aware IFR route analyzer with selected aircraft’s origin and destination prefilled.
.ifrv DEPID.ifrv 1WSends full IFR clearance to the selected aircraft: climb via SID and departure frequency.
.ifrvx $1 DEPID.ifrvx 4000 1WSends full IFR clearance to the selected aircraft: climb via SID except maintain and departure frequency.
.ifr $1 DEPID.ifr 4000 1WSends full IFR clearance to the selected aircraft: altitude to maintain and departure frequency.
.ifrvuSends full IFR clearance to the selected aircraft: climb via SID and departure OFFLINE.
.ifrvxu $1.ifrvxu 4000Sends full IFR clearance to the selected aircraft: climb via SID except maintain and departure OFFLINE.
.ifru $1.ifru 4000Sends full IFR clearance to the selected aircraft: altitude to maintain and departure OFFLINE.
.rcor NEXTID.rcor 1D"Readback correct, push and start at pilot's discretion, contact 1D freq for taxi.”
.rcorg $1.rcorg 15L"Readback correct, push and start at pilot's discretion, call ready for taxi, expect runway 15L for departure.”
.h4rel"Readback correct, hold for release. Advise this frequency when number 1 for the runway. Frequency change approved.”
.farouteWith an aircraft selected, opens FlightAware IFR route analyzer with the aircraft's departure and destination pre-filled.

Syntax: Type callsign and press aircraft select (default in CRC is Numpad Add). Type alias command with any needed variables and press Enter. Alias commands are not case-sensitive.

.td $1 $2 $3 18L G2 G BDeparture taxi: "Runway 18L, taxi via G2 G B.”
.ta $1 $2 $3 ....ta L A H G3Arrival taxi: "Taxi via L A H G3 to the ramp.”
.tapd"Taxi to the ramp at pilot's discretion, cross all runways.”
.hs $1.hs H"Hold short H.”
.hp"Hold position.”
.ct"Continue taxi.”
.gwt $1.gwt the A320 on G
.gwt the Cessna on A
"Give way to the A320 on G.”
"Give way to the Cessna on A.”
.crs $ 15L"Cross runway 15L.”

Syntax: Type callsign and press aircraft select (default in CRC is Numpad Add). Type alias command with any needed variables and press Enter. Alias commands are not case-sensitive.

.ctl $1.ctl 26R"Runway 26R, cleared to land. Wind current wind.”
.cto $1.cto 22"Runway 22, cleared for takeoff. Wind current wind.”
.ctorh $1.ctorh 4"Fly runway heading, runway 4, cleared for takeoff. Wind current wind.”
.ctohdg $1 $2.ctohdg 36R 030"Fly heading 030, runway 36R, cleared for takeoff. Wind current wind.”
.ctotl $1 $2.ctotl 18L 150"Turn left heading 150, runway 18R, cleared for takeoff. Wind current wind.”
.ctotr $1 $2.ctotr 15R 300"Turn right heading 300, runway 15R, cleared for takeoff. Wind current wind.”
.ctor $1 $2.ctor 15L SCAMM"RNAV to SCAMM, runway 15L, cleared for takeoff. Wind current wind.”
.ctomrt $1.ctomrt 11"Make right traffic, runway 11, cleared for takeoff. Wind current wind.”
.ctomlt $1.ctolt 29"Make left traffic, runway 29, cleared for takeoff. Wind current wind.”
.ctoc"Cancel takeoff clearance.”
.gafpm"Go around, fly the published missed approach.”
.gavec $1 $2 NEXTID.gavec 180 3000 1W"Go around. Fly heading 180, maintain 3000, contact 1W freq.”
.luaw $1.luaw 13R"Runway 13R, line up and wait.”
.wel $1 $2.wel Austin L
.wel AUS right
"Welcome to Austin, exit L when able.”
"Welcome to AUS, exit right when able.”
.xrhs $1 $2 $3.xrhs 8R NA ground"Cross runway 8R, hold short NA, contact ground on the other side.”
.xr $1 $2.xr 26L ramp"Cross runway 26L, contact ramp on the other side.”
.elb $1.elb 18L"Enter left base runway 18L.”
.erb $1.erb 18R"Enter right base runway 18R.”
.erd $1.erd 22"Enter right downwind runway 22.”
.eld $1.eld 4"Enter left downwind runway 4.”

Syntax: Type callsign and press aircraft select (default in CRC is Numpad Add). Type alias command with any needed variables and press Enter. Alias commands are not case-sensitive.

.rel4dep $1 $2.rel4dep 0 10"Released for departure at time + 0 mins, clearance void if not off by time + 10 mins, time now time. Frequency change approved.”
.rc"Radar contact.”
.rcsalt"Radar contact, say altitude leaving.”
.rcv $1.rcv CWK"Radar contact distance and bearing of CWK, altitude altitude.”
.rcl"Radar contact lost.”
.cils $1 $2 $3 $4.cils RRTOO 220 2500 18LStandard ILS PTAC clearance: "Distance from RRTOO, fly heading 220, maintain 2500 until established, cleared ILS runway 18L approach.”
.rnvptac $1 $2 $3 $4.rnvptac RRTOO 2500 RNAVZ 18LStandard RNAV PTAC clearance: "Cleared direct RRTOO, cross RRTOO at or above 2500, cleared RNAV-Z runway 18L approach.”
.apat"Arrival airport is at clock position and distance, report in sight.”
.cvis $1.cvis 22"Cleared visual approach runway 22.”
.notwrifr"No visible traffic between you and the field, report IFR cancellation in the air or on the ground this frequency. Frequency change approved.”
.dept $1 $2.dept BEESO 270"Depart BEESO heading 270.”
.vr $1.vr sequence
.vr spacing
"Vectors for sequence.”
"Vectors for spacing.”
.xapp $1 $2.xapp ILS 18L"Expect ILS runway 18L, arrival altimeter altimeter.”
.xils $1.xils 11"Expect ILS runway 11.”
.xvis $1.xvis 29"Expect visual approach runway 29.”
.tra $1 $2 $3 ....tra 3 2 turn right"Traffic alert, 3 o'clock 2 miles, advise you turn right immediately.”
.laa $1.laa 1500"Low altitude alert. Check your altitude immediately. The MVA in your area is 1500.”
.veratis $1.veratis K"Verify you have information K.”
.tr $ 350"Turn right heading 350.”
.tl $ 140"Turn left heading 140.”
.prd $1.prd MPORT"Proceed direct MPORT.”
.cd $ CWK"Cleared direct CWK.”
.fh $1.fh 180"Fly heading 180.”
.fhjr $1 $2 $3 $4.fhjr 270 IDU 259 outbound"Fly heading 270, join the IDU 259 radial outbound.”
.cm $ 4000
.cm 15000
"Climb and maintain 4000."
"Climb and maintain 15000."
.cma $1.cma 4
.cma 11
"Climb and maintain 4,000.”
"Climb and maintain 11,000.”
.dm $ 4
.dm 11
"Descend and maintain 4000.”
"Descend and maintain 11,000."
.dma $1.dma 4
.dma 11
"Descend and maintain 4,000.”
"Descend and maintain 11,000.”
.dmpd $1.dmpf 4"Descend at pilot's discretion, maintain 4000.”
.vfrcan"Radar service terminated, squawk and maintain VFR, frequency change approved.”
.tll $1 $2.tll 200 18L"Turn left heading 200, intercept Runway 18L localizer.”
.trl $1 $2.trl 160 18R"Turn right heading 160, intercept Runway 18R localizer.”
.fhl $1 $2.fhl 010 4"Fly heading 010, intercept Runway 4 localizer.”

Syntax: Type callsign and press aircraft select (default in CRC is Numpad Add). Type alias command with any needed variables and press Enter. Alias commands are not case-sensitive.

.zhufixDisplays selected list of ZHU fixes in ERAM scope. (ERAM ONLY)
.ocnfixDisplays selected list of Oceanic fixes in ERAM scope. (ERAM ONLY)
.i90Displays selected list of I90 fixes in ERAM scope. (ERAM ONLY)
.x $1 $2 ....x CVE FL180"Cross CVE at and maintain FL180.”
.xaoa $1 $2 ....xaoa CEW FL190"Cross CEW at or above FL190.”
.xspd $1 $2 $3.xspd AEX FL200 280"Cross AEX at and maintain FL200 at 280 KTS.”
.xdme $1 $2 $3.xdme 10 AEX FL300"Cross 10 DME of AEX at FL300.”
.dvia $1.dvia DOOOBI2"Descend via the DOOBI2 arrival.”
.dviax $1 $2.dviax DOOBI2 maintain FL240 and 250kts"Descend via the DOOBI2 arrival except maintain FL240 and 250kts.”
.cmf $1.cmf 340"Climb and maintain FL340.”
.dmf $1.dmf 180"Descend and maintain FL180.”
.dvia $1.dvia DOOBI2"Descend via the DOOBI2 arrival, altimeter .”
.homex $1 $2.homex Z01 HRLSends handoff message to specified controller with range and bearing from specified fix with current altitude.
.ocnhomex $1 $2 $3.ocnhomex Z01 DUTNA 1325ZSends handoff message to specified controller with time over specified fix and current altitude.
.holdap $1 $2 $3.holdap JERNY north 2130"Cleared to JERNY, hold north of JERNY as published. Expect further clearance at 2130Z.”

Syntax: Type callsign and press aircraft select (default in CRC is Numpad Add). Type alias command with any needed variables and press Enter. Alias commands are not case-sensitive.

.ho NEXTID.ho 81"Contact HOU_81_CTR on 132.425, have a good flight!"
.hodep DEPID.hodep 1D"Contact Departure 120.05. Cya!”
.depoffNo departure control available, monitor unicom 122.8, Thanks for flying!
.rtsReset transponder, assigned beacon."
.lmasLeaving my airspace, no further ATC available, radar service terminated, frequency change approved, thanks for flying!
.ecbYou're exiting Class B airspace, radar service is terminated, squawk VFR, frequency change approved, thanks for flying!
.eccYou're exiting Class C airspace, radar service is terminated, squawk VFR, frequency change approved, thanks for flying!
.close $1.close 15"**NOTAM** Will be closing in 15 minutes.”
.closing $1.closing 0300Z"**NOTAM** Closing at 0300Z.”
.closed"**NOTAM** Closed. Have a good day.”
.shift"**NOTAM** Shift change in progress. All aircraft please stand by.”
.rst"Radar service is terminated, squawk VFR, frequency change approved.”
.spa"Say position and altitude.”
.sas"Say indicated air speed.”
.sms"Say mach.”
.spo"Say position.”
.smc"Squawk mode C.”
.ss"Squawk standby.”
.si"Squawk ident.”
.sqi"Squawk assigned beacon and Ident.”
.sq"Squawk assigned beacon.”
.rtc"Reset transponder, squawk assigned beacon.”
.rpt $1.rpt CWK"Report over CWK.”
.rptabm $1.rptabm 18L"Report abeam 18L.”
.ifrcangnd"IFR cancellation received, thanks for flying.”
.icanair"IFR cancellation received. Radar service terminated, squawk and maintain VFR, frequency change approved, good day.”
.dist $1.dist AEX"You are distancenm from AEX.”
.bear $1.bear KAUS"You are bearing from KAUS.”
.clock $1.oclock KIAH"KIAH is at your clock position.”
.routePrints selected aircraft route.
.newatis"ATIS information letter is current. Wind wind, altimeter.”
.ratis $1.ratis K"Report receiving ATIS K.”
.rmatis"Report receiving ATIS letter.”
.cyrv"Can you receive voice?”

© 2024 Dave Wegner ZHU FE