.rel4dep $1 $2 | .rel4dep 0 10 | "Released for departure at time + 0 mins, clearance void if not off by time + 10 mins, time now time. Frequency change approved.” |
.rc | | "Radar contact.” |
.rcsalt | | "Radar contact, say altitude leaving.” |
.rcv $1 | .rcv CWK | "Radar contact distance and bearing of CWK, altitude altitude.” |
.rcl | | "Radar contact lost.” |
.cils $1 $2 $3 $4 | .cils RRTOO 220 2500 18L | Standard ILS PTAC clearance: "Distance from RRTOO, fly heading 220, maintain 2500 until established, cleared ILS runway 18L approach.” |
.rnvptac $1 $2 $3 $4 | .rnvptac RRTOO 2500 RNAVZ 18L | Standard RNAV PTAC clearance: "Cleared direct RRTOO, cross RRTOO at or above 2500, cleared RNAV-Z runway 18L approach.” |
.apat | | "Arrival airport is at clock position and distance, report in sight.” |
.cvis $1 | .cvis 22 | "Cleared visual approach runway 22.” |
.notwrifr | | "No visible traffic between you and the field, report IFR cancellation in the air or on the ground this frequency. Frequency change approved.” |
.dept $1 $2 | .dept BEESO 270 | "Depart BEESO heading 270.” |
.vr $1 | .vr sequence .vr spacing | "Vectors for sequence.” "Vectors for spacing.” |
.xapp $1 $2 | .xapp ILS 18L | "Expect ILS runway 18L, arrival altimeter altimeter.” |
.xils $1 | .xils 11 | "Expect ILS runway 11.” |
.xvis $1 | .xvis 29 | "Expect visual approach runway 29.” |
.tra $1 $2 $3 ... | .tra 3 2 turn right | "Traffic alert, 3 o'clock 2 miles, advise you turn right immediately.” |
.laa $1 | .laa 1500 | "Low altitude alert. Check your altitude immediately. The MVA in your area is 1500.” |
.veratis $1 | .veratis K | "Verify you have information K.” |
.tr $1 | .tr 350 | "Turn right heading 350.” |
.tl $1 | .tl 140 | "Turn left heading 140.” |
.prd $1 | .prd MPORT | "Proceed direct MPORT.” |
.cd $1 | .cd CWK | "Cleared direct CWK.” |
.fh $1 | .fh 180 | "Fly heading 180.” |
.fhjr $1 $2 $3 $4 | .fhjr 270 IDU 259 outbound | "Fly heading 270, join the IDU 259 radial outbound.” |
.cm $1 | .cm 4000 .cm 15000 | "Climb and maintain 4000." "Climb and maintain 15000." |
.cma $1 | .cma 4 .cma 11 | "Climb and maintain 4,000.” "Climb and maintain 11,000.” |
.dm $1 | .dm 4 .dm 11 | "Descend and maintain 4000.” "Descend and maintain 11,000." |
.dma $1 | .dma 4 .dma 11 | "Descend and maintain 4,000.” "Descend and maintain 11,000.” |
.dmpd $1 | .dmpf 4 | "Descend at pilot's discretion, maintain 4000.” |
.vfrcan | | "Radar service terminated, squawk and maintain VFR, frequency change approved.” |
.tll $1 $2 | .tll 200 18L | "Turn left heading 200, intercept Runway 18L localizer.” |
.trl $1 $2 | .trl 160 18R | "Turn right heading 160, intercept Runway 18R localizer.” |
.fhl $1 $2 | .fhl 010 4 | "Fly heading 010, intercept Runway 4 localizer.” |